Hot Drinks to Make a Cold Feel Better
Herbal Tea Drinks
Herbal teas have long been used for medicinal purposes. Because herbal tea mixes often include dried fruit and herbs, they have the antioxidants and vitamins you need to fight a cold, such as Vitamin C. Different herbal teas also offer different properties for specific cold symptoms. Chamomile, for example, can relieve pain and help you relax, while peppermint tea is known to help stomach aches and sore throats.
Hot Alcoholic Drinks
If your cold is so intense that you can't sleep at night, try drinking a hot toddy, a traditional home remedy that grandmothers swear by. A hot toddy is simply one cup of herbal tea mixed with a teaspoon of honey and a shot of whiskey or bourbon. The warm glass of herbal tea can help ease your cold symptoms, while the alcohol may help you sleep. Web MD advises against using too much alcohol, which can inflame the membranes of your nose and throat.
Chicken Stock
If your cold is so bad that you've lost your appetite, chicken soup can help ease your symptoms and provide nourishment. A study at the University of Nebraska Medical Center revealed that the ingredients in chicken soup work together to inhibit the production of mucus, according to In addition, the carrots, celery and chicken fat can provide vitamins and nutrients needed by those suffering from a cold.
Hot Medicinal Drinks
If none of the natural remedies are working, you may need an over-the-counter medicine to help your cold symptoms. Theraflu is available in a powder form that you mix with hot water and drink. It contains acetaminophen, antihistamine and other ingredients to suppress your cough, dry up mucus and help you sleep.