RSV Home Care Methods
Control Nasal Congestion
RSV causes uncomfortable nasal symptoms. Controlling these can make eating, sleeping and breathing much easier, which all improve a child's chances for recovering from RSV effectively. Use saline nose drops or nasal rinses to remove excess and infected mucus. These options work better for older kids and adults. For infants, remove mucus with a suction bulb designed specifically for small nasal passages.
Nebulizer Treatments
Use an at-home nebulizer machine. This breathing treatment apparatus delivers moisture or medicine in a mist, so it can easily enter the body. Use the nebulizer with a saline solution to loosen up chest congestion or medicine such as albuterol to relieve wheezing. This method could alleviate labored breathing, make you or your child feel better and allow the rest needed to have the immune system fight the infection.
Control the Environment
Dry, cold air may make RSV symptoms worse. A humidifier will moisten the air for improved breathing and less congestion. This is particularly important in very dry climates or seasons. During the winter months when RSV is more likely to occur, humidifiers lessen RSV symptoms. Also, since RSV is spread through contaminated droplets, keeping areas clean and disinfected will prevent further infection of others.
Stay Hydrated
Rapid breathing accelerates dehydration. RSV can trigger fast breathing especially in young children or those with compromised immune systems. Drinking fluids, sucking on ice chips and eating popsicles can ward off dehydration. Consuming soups or healthy broths provides nutrients and liquid. Older children with symptoms can linger in a steamy shower or keep the sinuses moist using a vaporizer.