Treatments for Dry Throat

A dry throat or mouth can make talking or breathing difficult or painful. This symptom could be indicative of a minor illness such as a cold, but it could also be a sign of a more serious medical condition like diabetes, anemia or HIV. If you suspect that your dry throat could be a sign of other medical problems, consult your doctor about treatments or lifestyle changes that could help.
  1. Lifestyle Changes

    • Your dry throat could be a symptom of dehydration. Strive to drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water throughout each day. Chewing tobacco, smoking or breathing with your mouth open can also aggravate dry throat. Discontinue these habits to improve your dry throat.

    Deal With Medical Side Effects

    • If you have had your salivary glands removed, you may experience dry mouth and dry throat. Nerve damage and cancer treatments like chemotherapy may also play a role in dry throat; ask your doctor for help. If you use muscle relaxants or sedatives, speak to your doctor about reducing these medications or switching to another medication to relieve dry throat.


    • If you have dry throat as a symptom of another condition, treating the condition could alleviate your dry throat. If you have a cough or sore throat, for example, you may have an allergy, a cold or a bacterial infection. A cough suppressant, antibiotic or allergy medicine could cure the underlying problem causing your dry throat. Ask your doctor about over-the-counter or prescription treatment.

    Lozenges and Tea

    • Throat lozenges increase saliva production, which can alleviate a dry throat. Sugar-free hard candy can provide a similar benefit. Warm drinks like tea can be beneficial to a dry throat. Mix in a little lemon and honey for an added soothing benefit.


    • If the humidity in your home or office is low, you may develop a dry throat and dry skin. Try using a humidifier. The humidity in your home should be set between 30 and 50 percent. A hygrometer can measure the humidity. Clean your humidifier periodically to remove dirt and debris and use it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

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