Cold Remedies With Fruit Drinks
Hot Fruit Cordial
According to a study published by Rhinology Journal in Dec. 2007, drinking a hot fruit cordial while experiencing cold symptoms can improve symptoms in just a few minutes. Participants drank a mixture of 1/2 cup of apple and black currant juice heated to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Black currants contain four times the vitamin C content of regular oranges, which may be why the symptoms were reduced so quickly. In Europe, hot currant drinks have been a remedy for colds for hundreds of years.
Fruit Drinks
Regular fruit drinks purchased at a grocery store can also have health benefits for cold sufferers. Web MD recommends drinking raspberry tea with honey and a squeeze of lemon juice. Any kind of fruit juice and herbal teas containing fruit are beneficial. The vitamins in the fruit can help increase the natural power of the immune system. These fruit drinks, however, cannot replace any medication prescribed by a doctor, but can be used in addition to regular medications to relieve symptoms.
Pomegranate Drink
Pomegranate juice contains vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc, which are all necessary vitamins and minerals to the immune system. Higher intakes of these vitamins may help reduce cold symptoms or reduce the number of days that a person experiences cold symptoms. Drink a glass or two of pure pomegranate juice each day that you have a cold to help alleviate any cold symptoms that you might be having. Pomegranates also contain a high number of antioxidants, which can boost the immune system.
Fresh Fruit Juice
Fresh, unprocessed fruit juice made in a blender or juicer can also help in the control of cold symptoms. Juice purchased from a store is pasteurized, which heats the juice to a temperature that kills bacteria and contaminants that could spoil the juice. Pasteurization can also eliminate some of the effectiveness of the nutrients in the juice. Drinking fresh fruit juice will provide full nutrient value. For a cold, try a mixture of cranberry juice, oranges, ginger, pineapple and a pinch of garlic and radish.