How to Soothe a Cough Naturally

Many common illnesses, including the flu and the common cold, are associated with dry or phlegmy coughs that can be a real nuisance to live with. Asthma sufferers and people with lung problems also suffer from coughing fits. There are many cough remedies that use natural ingredients that are just as effective as medicines you can buy from drugstores.

Things You'll Need

  • Chest rub
  • Slippery elm extract
  • Eucalyptus extract
  • Astragalus extract
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      Buy a chest rub. These are usually available in small jars from grocery stores and supermarkets. They contain a host of natural ingredients including camphor, menthol and nutmeg. Rub the sticky substance around the chest and neck area to tackle coughs and burning throats. In addition to easing cough, vapor rubs can also be used to fight sinus headaches, athlete's foot and some forms of acne.

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      Ingest slippery elm in liquid or lozenge form. Slippery elms produce a gelatinous substance, known as mucilage, which can be effective in treating coughs and soothing a sore throat. It is especially effective in tackling dry, ticklish coughs because of its soothing properties. Consume in lozenge format or as an alcohol extract from organic shops and some drugstores. Take three measures of 5 ml three times a day.

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      Purchase eucalyptus extract from your local health or organic store. Eucalyptus is often used as a home remedy to fight standard coughs and throat irritation caused by lung infections and asthma. Eucalyptus has anti-inflammatory properties and helps break down build-ups of mucus in the throat. This makes it easier for sufferers to cough up phlegm and clear their throats. Inhale eucalyptus liquid through a vaporizer or take 200mg eucalyptol supplements three times a day.

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      Take 500 to 1000mg of astragalus twice a day. Astragalus is a herb extract that is historically used to boost the human immune system and enhance the body's capacity to overcome infections, including those involving coughing symptoms. Astragalus is particularly effective at fighting acute and chronic bronchitis, both of which are associated with heavy bouts of coughing. Take in tablet form or as a tincture of 3.5 ml doses three times a day.

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