Safe Cold Remedies for Children
A 2007 study conducted by researchers at Penn State revealed that honey, which is considered safe for children 12 months and older, offers a safe and effective alternative to cough medicines. Buckwheat honey was used during the study and was shown to provide better relief of nighttime symptoms than the cough suppressant dextromethorphan.
Vapor Rub
Vapor rub containing menthol, eucalyptus or camphor helps ease nighttime cough and congestion experienced by children suffering from colds or upper respiratory infections. The vapor rub creates a cooling sensation in the child's nasal passages and reduces breathing difficulty, coughs and sleep disturbance. The product can be rubbed into the child's chest, neck and back as needed and should also be applied 30 minutes before bedtime.
Extra fluids should be given to a child suffering from a cold to help reduce the risk of dehydration and help reduce thick nasal secretions. Children should be encouraged to drink water and juices or suck on a Popsicle frequently while sick. Warm liquids, such as chicken noodle soup, not only help increase the child's fluid intake but also have been shown to reduce congestion because of the steam from the warm liquid.
Humidity from a humidifier, vaporizer or warm bath can be used to help loosen mucus, open up the child's airways and decrease coughing and congestion. A humidifier or vaporizer can be used all day and during the night while the child is sleeping. Warm baths promote relaxation and help soothe a child's aching body and, with constant parental supervision, can be taken as often as needed.
Rest is absolutely imperative when suffering from a cold as it allows the body to use its energy to work on healing itself. Children should be encouraged to relax as much as possible and exert little energy. Parents may want to make a cozy spot on the couch for the child and turn on a favorite television show or movie. Books and coloring supplies can also be used to help a child stay calm. Other alternatives mentioned above can be used to help the child rest comfortably.