Cold Remedies for Teachers
Zinc & Vitamin C
Oranges are a great source of vitamin C. Both can help cut the duration of a cold and are also good taken preventatively. Vitamin C works to improve the function of the immune system. The recommended dosage for vitamin C is up to 3,000 mg per day, during cold season or while sick. Take zinc with vitamin C for increased benefits as Zinc also prevents and reduces cold symptoms. Take 50 mg per day of zinc.
Garlic is an old cold remedy. Garlic helps reduce the duration of severe colds, and it can help relieve a sore throat that accompanies cold symptoms. The Home Remedies website recommends taking garlic once a day. Garlic can be eaten raw or taken in pill form. Garlic works as both an antiseptic and an antispasmodic, which means it can both kill germs and help with coughing.
Ginger can help with cold symptoms. Ginger can also help ease cold symptoms. The Home Remedies website suggests steeping about 10 g of ginger in water and adding a half tsp. of sugar to make a tea. This concoction can be taken up to twice a day.
Lemon is a natural antiseptic. Lemon is an antiseptic and can help clean the system, as well as the throat. Mix 1 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice in a cup of tea and add 1 tbsp. of honey. The Herbal Remedies website suggests that this mixture is not only good for a cold and a sore throat, but it is also good for colds and flu that are accompanied by fever.