Things to Do to Help With Hoarseness
Causes of Hoarseness
A hoarse voice can be caused by a number of different factors. Common causes are illnesses such as colds and upper respiratory infections, throat or larynx cancer, overuse of the voice, allergies and chronic coughing, especially from smoking. Other, less common contributors may be ingesting or breathing certain chemicals, nerve damage to the vocal cords or an underactive thyroid gland.
Home Remedies
Remain as quiet as possible. Talking, especially whispering, puts strain on the vocal cords and may delay the healing process. If you are a smoker, stop smoking or cut down until your voice is healed; this may be a good time to try kicking the habit for good. Drink warm, soothing fluids such as tea with honey or hot water with lemon juice. Use a humidifier, and if you have a cold or allergies, avoid decongestants, which dry out the vocal cords and make hoarseness worse.
Professional Treatment
If your hoarseness lasts longer than two weeks, is accompanied by drooling, difficulty breathing or pain when swallowing, see your physician. A laryngoscopy allows the doctor to examine your larynx using a mirror at the back of your throat to determine if there is swelling or nodules. A throat culture will determine if there is an infection in your throat. Neck X-rays, CT scans and blood tests may be administered to rule out serious illnesses. The treatment prescribed by your doctor will depend on the factors causing your hoarseness.
If you smoke, quit. Smoking, especially if accompanied by heavy drinking, causes a number of illnesses that are often marked by chronic hoarseness. Wash your hands often to help avoid colds and upper respiratory infections. Warm up your voice before yelling at the big football game or singing. Take good care of your body by eating healthy foods, exercising and drinking plenty of water.