How to Troubleshoot Genotype

Genotyping is the act of researching the genetic difference in cells by analyzing, in detail, samples of the subject's DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid.) The method of amplification of the DNA samples is known as PCR (polymerase chain reaction), and involves using complex molecular biology to amplify a single source of DNA to several orders of magnitude --- meaning you are left with thousands of examples of the source, ready for study. Naturally, given the complex methods involved in this process, there are plenty of things that can go wrong, from equipment to processes.


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      Ensure the equipment you are using is up to laboratory standards in order to avoid incorrect or corrupted readings. This means washing and sterilizing pipettes as well as cleaning your workspace and using proper laboratory gloves as you carry out this work.

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      If you are having trouble with the PCR product, run a different PCR reaction for each primer to solve the problem.

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      Troubleshoot the problem of bands failing to amplify by changing the temperature of the experiment.

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      Buy or order new primers. It can often be the case that your simply have a primer that is not fit for function, in which case it must be replaced.

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      Purify the DNA specimen if your other methods of troubleshooting fail to reap rewards. This can be done through sodium hydroxide extraction.

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