Natural Things That Help Get Rid of a Cold
Honey can make a convenient natural remedy for colds. The substance consists of both antibacterial and antiviral agents and also includes antioxidants that can strengthen your immune system. Boil water and blend it together with 2 tbsps. honey. This remedy can be beneficial for eliminating bacterial infections, as well as for soothing uncomfortable cold symptoms such as excessive coughing.
Easy lifestyle changes can also help you get rid of a common cold. One such example involves staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water, about eight glasses daily. Water can help loosen up the mucus, which in turn can ease the discomfort associated with congestion. Apart from water, fluids in general can do wonders for a cold. Fevers can zap you of hydration, so stock up on orange juice and water and drink up.
Echinacea is a herb that is often used for both the prevention and managing of colds. Apart from colds, the herb also is used for infections and influenza. To get rid of your cold quicker and painlessly, take echinacea in either tea or liquid extract form.
Garlic is a well-known and easy natural remedy for cold treatment. One of the most convenient things about garlic is that you probably already have it somewhere in your kitchen. If you cut up garlic, it emits allicin, which is a compound that features antibacterial properties effective in battling and preventing common colds. The compound also promotes the immune system. Chop up raw garlic and consume between two and three cloves every day. Although the odor from the garlic may be tough, it can help eliminate your cold systems quickly and in a natural manner.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a natural option for eliminating colds before they even get get off the ground. If you notice the uncomfortable signs of a cold beginning (such as sore throat or plugged ears), try taking vitamin C supplements (along with a cool glass of orange juice) first thing in the morning and right before going to bed at night.
Chicken Soup
Chicken soup is a comfort food that is linked with helping the common cold due to its ability to reduce inflammation. The soup can reduce the inflammation caused by the bronchial tubes, which in turn decreases the severity of cold symptoms like stuffy nose and coughing.
Calm your throat with a saltwater gargle. Put half a teaspoon of salt into a cup of lukewarm or warm water to reduce the discomfort of a throat that is itchy or sore.
Steamy and hot showers also can be effective at handling colds. The steam leads to the hydration of the nasal passages, which can be calming and reduce congestion.