How to Get Rid of a Cold Quickly and Naturally
Get some rest. Your body needs to recuperate from the illness, so the best thing you can do is lie down and rest during the day. Take time off from work, if possible. If your body is exhausted, it will be harder to fight the virus, states Dr. Benjamin Littenberg.
Take zinc supplements. According to the Mayo Clinic, zinc can reduce the severity and the duration of the common cold. You can get zinc products over-the-counter. Doctors don't really know the most effective dosage to reduce cold symptoms, so follow the recommended dosage on the package.
Eat chicken soup. This soup contains anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps the mucus move quicker through the nose, thus clearing nasal congestion and pushing the virus out of the nose.
Take ginseng. A study published in the Canadian Medical Journal in 2005 showed that people who consumed 2 capsules of North American ginseng twice a day got over their cold more quickly.
Use echinacea. The results are mixed, but many people seem to get over a cold quicker when taking echinacea. Follow the directions on the bottle for proper dosage.