How to Loosen Mucous
Things You'll Need
- ½ tablespoon salt
- 1 cup warm water
- Hot and spicy foods
- Hot tea
- Expectorant
- 5 drops eucalyptus oil
Mix ½ tablespoon of salt with a cup of warm water. Gargle the solution for one minute, making sure to tilt your head back so that it coats the top area of your throat. Repeat every three to four hours.
Eat hot and spicy food. Hot foods like soup will help to thin mucous while spicy foods can help open your breathing passages. One idea is to make your favorite soup and add a tiny bit of cayenne to it or stir in a few jalapeno slices.
Drink hot tea every hour or two, as needed. Tea works the same as hot foods and there are many varieties that can help treat colds or even energize you if you have to be on the go. Hot water is another solution if you don't have tea; you can add some honey and cayenne to it in order to increase its mucous-loosening capabilities.
Take an expectorant, which can be found at your local pharmacy. This will not only help thin the mucous, but will assist you in coughing it out. Expectorants can have side effects such as drowsiness, so ensure you read all instructions, follow them accordingly and avoid driving or heavy activities if you feel drowsy.
Take a hot bath and drop five drops of eucalyptus oil into the water. Soak and inhale the steam. The steam will open your passageways while eucalyptus has natural mentholating abilities to further help thin the mucous. You can find eucalyptus oil at most health or herbal stores.