Cold-FX Instructions
Cold-FX is a Canadian-brand immune system booster made by ChemBioPrint. Its main ingredient is North American ginseng root extract, but it also contains inactive ingredients, such as gelatin and titanium dioxide. It claims to help prevent the severity and duration of the common cold by stimulating the immune system. Cold-FX comes in two varieties, the regular one and the extra strength version. Each version is taken differently.Instructions
Store Cold-FX at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
Take one capsule in the morning when you wake up and one capsule in the afternoon every day. Eat a small meal before taking Cold-FX if it makes you nauseous.
Reduce your daily intake from two capsules to one capsule if you experience abdominal pain or discomfort, diarrhea, nervousness, abnormal heart rhythm or high blood pressure. Discontinue Cold-FX if symptoms persist despite the reduction.
Stop taking Cold-FX seven days before any kind of surgical procedure. Cold-FX may affect the body's ability to clot.
Cold-FX Extra Strength
Take Cold-FX extra strength at the first sign of a cold.
Take three capsules in the morning and three in the afternoon on the first day of your cold.
Reduce the dose to two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon on the second day of your cold.
Take one capsule in the morning and one in the afternoon on the third day of your cold.
Stop using Cold-FX extra strength after three days and go back to using Cold-FX.