How to Keep Vocals Healthy
Healthy vocals aren't only necessary for singing, as frequent throat clearing, smoking and excessive strain to your vocal cords affect your overall health and reduce your ability to talk and swallow. The same soothing treatments used for a sore throat are also beneficial for maintaining strong vocals when in good health. As with any treatment, consult your physician to ensure it is safe to use.Things You'll Need
- Hand sanitizer
- Humidifier
Wash your hands frequently with hot, soapy water to kill germs that cause a cold or flu. If you are unable to wash your hands, rub a nickel-sized drop of hand sanitizer over your hands, until it dries.
Exercise daily. Thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity, such as jogging, forces more air to pass through your lungs, which reduces stress that commonly causes vocal strain. Avoid lifting weights, as this strains your vocal folds.
Avoid spicy foods. Spicy foods irritate the throat, which can worsen any current strain on the throat by causing hoarseness. In addition to spicy foods, avoid foods that are high in sodium, as they decrease the body's hydration level. Water keeps the vocal cords lubricated, which prevents mucus from settling in the throat.
Maintain water intake of 7 to 9 glasses a day. One glass is equal to 8 oz., and keeps the body hydrated, especially during vocal exertion. Limit consumption of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, soda, black tea or green tea, as these are diuretics. Instead, drink caffeine-free tea with honey to soothe the throat.
Avoid screaming, shouting and clearing your throat. These activities are harmful to your vocals and can easily cause soreness and vocal impairment.
Use a humidifier in your home to keep the air from becoming dry, as dry air affects your vocal cords. Rinse out the humidifier with hot water every day to prevent bacteria growth.