How to Avoid Coughing
Drink plenty of fluids to help soothe your throat and thin the secretions. Mix honey in hot water, tea or lemon juice for some additional benefits, although you should not do this for a child less than a year old.
Suck on a cough drop to soothe the throat. Take an over-the-counter exportorant to thin the mucus, or a cough suppressant to control the cough reflex in the case of a dry, hacking cough that keeps you awake.
Stop smoking and do not use other forms of tobacco, which can increase phlegm production and irritate the lungs, leading to more coughing.
Avoid irritants such as dust, smoke or other pollutants. Wear a face mask when they are unavoidable.
Take a warm bath or shower, as the steam can help hydrate your throat passages.