How to Stay Cold and Flu Free
Things You'll Need
- Hand wash, antibacterial
- Hand sanitizer, alcohol-based
- Vitamin C
- Water
Stay Cold and Flu Free
Wash your hands. It may sound simple, but hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent getting the cold and flu. Wash your hands before you eat, after you shake someone's hand or after riding the train. If you're not able to wash your hands, the second best option is using an alcohol-based sanitizer to get rid of any germs.
Eat healthy; take lots of vitamins, especially vitamin C; get at least seven hours of sleep a night and exercise. These all sound like basic things, but when you take care of yourself and lead a healthy lifestyle, you'll be able to fight the cold and flu more easily.
Stay home from work or school when you have the cold or flu. Since the cold and flu can be even more of a threat for some people, particularly the elderly, it's best to stay home to prevent it from spreading.
Get a flu shot to lower your chances of getting the flu. The flu shot is not always 100 percent effective, but it is designed to prevent the most prevalent flu strains each season. The 2010 to 2011 flu shot protects against both the seasonal flu and the H1N1 flu. Since flu shot compositions are based on research into which flu viruses might cause the most illnesses in the next year, there is no guarantee that a new strain won't show up, which is why flu shots aren't always effective. The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older get the flu shot each year. Older adults, young children and pregnant women are especially encouraged to get the flu shot since they are more at risk.
Reduce your smoking and alcohol consumption. If you're a smoker, smoking weakens the immune system making you more susceptible to colds and flu. Alcohol is known to dehydrate you, so the more you drink, the more likely you are to be dehydrated and likely to get the cold or flu.