Multi-Probiotic Cause For Mucus
Probiotic Purpose
Goblet cells are contained within the mucous membrane with the sole purpose of producing mucus. Once an invading pathogen or irritant is detected by the mucous membrane, goblet cells connect with the membrane wall to trigger production. Proteins contained in mucus carry anti-bodies to protect from infection and mucus' sugar-coating allows absorption of water. These traits allow mucus to trap, fight and flush invading pathogens.
Nasal Mucus
When the body is free of toxins, approximately one liter of mucus will be produced daily in the nose and throat, preventing infectious agents from attacking the body. Once bacteria or allergens such as pollen penetrate the nasal cavity, goblet cells increase production of mucus to trap harmful agents.
Throat mucus, phlegm, is formed in the throat to protect the lungs. Mucus lodged in the throat may result in bad breath caused by excess proteins being stored, but is a good indicator of the body fighting infections. When phlegm is coughed out of the body and appears yellow or green, an infection or bacteria exists in the body.