Nyquil Directions
Identify your symptoms. If you have flu and cold symptoms such as aches, coughing, mucus and a sore throat then you should take the recommended nightly dosage only if you are 12 years of age or older. If you are taking the liquid form, then take 2 tbsp. (30 mL). You can use the cup that comes in the box to easily measure the dosage. For pill form, take two gelcaps. For children, consult a doctor before using NyQuil.
Take NyQuil right before bed. NyQuil makes you drowsy and can impair your vision and other faculties, so don't take it on the way home from work so you can go right to sleep. Wait until you get home.
Repeat intake for the recommended number of nights. The NyQuil label recommends that if symptoms don't improve after five or seven days then you should see your doctor. You should not take NyQuil just to get to sleep if you don't have any flu or cold symptoms.