How to Sleep With a Head Cold
Things You'll Need
- Herbal tea
- Honey
- Vaporizer
- Menthol
- Eucalyptus oil
- Cold medication containing antihistamines
- Nasal strips
Drink hot, herbal, decaffeinated tea about an hour before sleeping. Choose tea specially formulated to offer relief from cold symptoms by coating the throat. These teas typically contain althea root, slippery elm bark and licorice root. Consider also drinking hot tea containing chamomile and valerian root. These herbs have a relaxing effect that, when consumed as tea, helps drinkers fall asleep. Add honey to the brew to soothe an irritated throat.
Take an over-the-counter cold medication that contains antihistamines. Avoid medicine that contains decongestants because, while they may relieve blocked sinuses and stop dripping noses, they also can produce stimulating effects that can prevent you from falling asleep. Antihistamines ease inflamed sinuses and dampen cold symptoms in general but, more importantly, they can make you sleepy.
Take a hot shower before going to bed. The steam from the hot water loosens mucus in the sinuses and lungs, making it easier to breathe. It also moisturizes nasal passages that may be dried out from decongestants. Steam is also relaxing and contributes to a drowsy feeling.
Plug in a vaporizer and place it near your bed. Add a preparation of menthol and eucalyptus oil to the medicine cup. Menthol opens nasal passages and eucalyptus oil relieves congestion, eases a sore throat and lessens a cough. The increased humidity created by the vaporizer provides relief from congestion, allowing you to breathe and sleep better.
Place an external nasal strip on the bridge of your nose for additional protection against cold-related insomnia. These strips contain bendable plastic bands that raise blocked nasal passages and ensure they remain open. This allows air to move freely through the nose. Nasal strips have the added benefit of being completely drug-free so you do not have to worry about side effects or drug interactions.
Keep your head slightly elevated while trying to sleep. Place an extra pillow or two under your head. Sinus and nasal blockages tend to settle in more heavily when you lie flat on your back. An elevated head also prevents mucus from dripping back into your throat, which can worsen an already sore throat.