How to Relieve a Stuffed Nose
Things You'll Need
- Sodium-free chicken broth
- Extra pillows
- Pot
- 3 drops eucalyptus oil
- Bath towel
- Saline nasal drops
- Humidifier
- 1/4 cup white vinegar
Drink plenty of fluids to hydrate your body. Try sodium-free chicken broth; the heat and steam from the beverage can be soothing when you're not feeling well. Drink at least eight cups of water a day.
Extra pillows can help relieve a stuffed-up nose. Prop your head up with extra pillows when sleeping or resting. This helps mucus drain through your nasal passage rather than pooling where it can end up stuffing up your nose.
Eucalyptus fragrance helps clear stuffed noses. Boil water in a pot and pour it into your bathroom sink with the drain closed. Add 3 drops eucalyptus oil to the boiling water. Bend over the sink and place a towel over your head and the sink to create a tent. Breathe in the eucalyptus and steam to help clear stuffed-up nasal passages. Remain over the sink, under your towel, for 10 minutes.
Drop saline nose drops or spray saline nose spray into your nose a couple times per day to relieve stuffiness. However, it is best to check with a doctor before you use these products.
Run a humidifier while you sleep or are resting. This will add moisture to the air. Add 1/4 cup white vinegar for each gallon of water in the humidifier to prevent the humidifier from becoming clogged with mineral deposits.