Will Honey Stop a Cough?
How it works
Honey works by coating the back of the throat and getting rid of the need to expel mucous from the respiratory tract.
Honey vs. Over-the-Counter Cough Suppressants
According to the Mayo Clinic, honey may be effective in treating coughs in children ages two and above. A study on the effectiveness of honey as a cough suppressant showed that children in this age range who were given 2 tsp. of honey before bed exhibited a reduction in coughing similar to that obtained with an over-the-counter cough suppressant.
In addition to being just as effective as an over-the-counter cough suppressant, there are other benefits to using honey. First, it's cheaper than pharmaceutical medicines, costing less than $5 a jar. Over-the-counter cough suppressants can cost up to $12 at a local drug store. Second, children below the age six may experience side effects such as nausea and vomiting from pharmaceutical cough suppressants. Honey may be a more natural and safer product to use than over-the-counter products.
Children below the age of one year old should not consume honey, as a rare form of botulism is found in some honey and children one and under haven't yet developed the necessary immunity to fight off the bacteria.