Tricks to Stop Coughing
Remedy Cough with Fluids
The accumulation of mucus stuck in the throat from allergies, sinusitis and the common cold often produce a nagging cough. While medications are sometimes effective for stopping mucus production and post nasal drip, drinking extra fluids also helps break up or thin mucus caught in the throat. Also, more liquids will enable you to cough up phlegm or mucus that irritate your throat -- and this will help stop the cough altogether.
Eliminate Dry Air
Dry air is another common cause of a cough. Using a cool mist humidifier alleviates dryness in your environment. And the moisture will help eliminate your cough. Turning on a shower, closing the bathroom door and allowing the steam to fill the room also creates additional moisture in the air -- as you breathe in the moist air your cough will begin to subside.
Get Rid of Dry Throat
A chronic dry throat can also trigger coughing -- and increasing the production of saliva or moisture in your mouth may help stop a cough. Sipping on water helps treat a dry throat, as does sucking on candy or throat lozenges.
Treat Acid Reflux
Coughing is often associated with colds and allergies. Coughing is also a common sign of acid reflux disease -- coughing occurs when stomach acid back flows and irritates the esophagus. Controlling reflux disease helps stop a cough. Take over the counter medications intended to stop the production of stomach acid, or consider natural treatment methods such as staying upright for at least two hours after eating -- also eat smaller meals and avoid foods known to worsen reflux such as tomato sauce, spicy foods, chocolate and citrus.