How to Stop a Cold From Progressing
Things You'll Need
- Salt
- Zinc throat lozenges
- Cold medication
Monitor your symptoms so you can detect a cold early. Unexplained headaches and sore throats are a good sign that a cold is coming on.
Gargle with saltwater. Mix up to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm water. Sip a little bit of water, but do not swallow. Look directly up and tilt your head slightly back so you can gargle the water. Gently touch your Adam's apple to encourage the water to flow into your throat. Spit out the water and repeat the gargling several times throughout the day when you start to feel discomfort in your throat.
Suck on a throat lozenge that contains zinc after gargling the water to soothe your throat. To avoid nausea, take the lozenge on a full stomach. Don't take more than 150 milligrams of zinc daily.
Ask your doctor for a cold medication to relieve the symptoms of the cold, which will make the progression inconsequential.
Rest. Avoid exerting yourself if you don't feel well. Take a nap. Also, stay hydrated by drinking at least eight cups of water a day.