How to Get Over Cold Symptoms Quickly
Things You'll Need
- Water/fruit juice
- Soup
- Ibuprofen
- Cough syrup/drops
- Humidifier
Ditch bad habits like smoking and alcohol consumption immediately. Smoking or even inhaling second-hand smoke can make your cold symptoms worse.
Drink plenty of clear fluids. Drinking fluids helps loosen the mucus in your body. The Columbia University Medical Center recommends drinking plenty of fluids like water, fruit juices and clear soups.
Get plenty of rest. Your body will need time to rest and heal to perform at its best.
Take all proper medications, such as ibuprofen and cough syrup/drops, regularly. The Columbia University Medical Center recommends taking 200mg of ibuprofen, or two to three tablets, every six hours or as needed for fever and pain control.
Humidify your home and take steamy showers. A humidifier is an appliance that increases moisture in the air. Using a humidifier and taking frequent steamy showers will help thin the mucous in your body brought on by the cold and will allow you to breathe easier.
Prevent catching another cold by practicing proper hygiene. The California State University at Long Beach recommends washing your hands often, getting regular exercise, eating healthily, getting adequate rest and avoiding other people and their things when they're suffering a cold.