How to Get Rid of White Bumps in the Back of the Throat
Take your temperature. Press your fingers on your neck, below your jawbone about an inch away from your earlobe. Feel for any swelling or protrusions. See a medical professional immediately if you have a fever or swollen glands.
Mix 1 cup of hot water with 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Swish the mixture around in your mouth and gargle it into the back of your throat. Repeat this 3 times per day for 2 minutes each time.
Stay hydrated. Drink water or juice throughout the day. Suck on popsicles or other frozen liquids to stay hydrated and reduce any throat pain or swelling. Hot tea with honey can also help if you're having pain with your white spots.
Avoid hot or spicy foods. Eat frozen yogurt, chilled soups and smoothies instead. Cold foods will irritate your throat less and wil result in shorter healing times.
Talk to your doctor about a proton pump inhibiting medication. Some white spots on the throat that aren't accompanied by other symptoms are a sign of tonsilloliths. White spots form in the throat of people with this condition and frequently have to be removed by a specialist. Avoiding coffee, chocolate and acidic fruits and vegetables in combination with a proton pump inhibitor can keep the condition from getting worse.