Extreme Cold Symptoms
Runny Nose
A runny nose is a good indication that you have a cold. Severe symptoms of a runny nose from a cold include thick emissions from the nose, which become severe once they lose their watery consistency and form a type of mucous. Pay attention to the color of the mucous; if it changes to a darker color, then it may have turned into a bacterial infection and you should seek medical attention.
A low grade fever signals the onset of a severe cold, because most colds are not accompanied by a fever. If the fever lasts a long time and raises your temperature above 103 degrees then you need to seek medical attention. Your condition has most likely upgraded from a severe cold to something more serious that may need medicine. Keep the body cool until you can see a doctor. If the fever gets extremely high, go to the emergency room.
Sore Throat
An itchy or scratchy throat accompanies a normal cold. Once your throat becomes sore, it constitutes a severe cold symptom. A sore throat, while uncomfortable, is nothing to worry about. However, if you cannot swallow or cough up dark colored phlegm, then you need to see a doctor. These symptoms indicate that it has become a bacterial infection that needs attention.
Feelings of fatigue are very normal in the common cold. As your body fights a virus, it has less energy for other things. If your fatigue becomes bad enough to interfere with your normal daily activities, then your cold has crossed over into being severe. You may also just feel sick and unwell.
Headaches become common in later stages of the cold and in the case of severe colds. Take some medicine to take the edge off. Also, the headaches can stem from sinus pressure. Again, these sinus headaches appear most often in severe colds.