How to Clean the Throat

A congested throat can negatively impact your ability to function during the day, and make it difficult to sleep at night. Mucus often builds up in the throat of someone with a cold, allergies or another ailment affecting the sinuses. The irritation can cause tremendous pain and annoyance. Fortunately, there are some straightforward methods to relieve the discomfort and help to clean your throat.

Things You'll Need

  • Tissue
  • Non-coated aspirin
  • Water
  • Peppermint tea
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      Blow your nose often. The excess buildup in the throat is typically caused by mucus from the nose. Routinely clearing out your nasal passage will have a beneficial effect on your throat.

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      Place one non-coated aspirin into a glass of water. Allow the aspirin to fully dissolve. Gurgle the water in your mouth and throat for about a minute. Carefully spit the water out, making sure not to swallow. You should feel rapid relief in your throat.

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      Avoid dairy products. Consuming dairy products heightens the production of mucus in your body. This can significantly worsen the congestion in your throat.

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      Avoid smoking. Breathing in smoke can further irritate your throat and create additional mucus congestion. Quitting smoking will significantly decrease the likelihood of frequent throat congestion in the future.

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      Make a batch of peppermint tea. Peppermint tea has the ability to function as a decongestant. It will help ease your sinuses and clear any mucus from your throat.

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