Cold Relief Remedies
Drinking plenty of water can help you get over a cold and can aid in minimizing its symptoms. People should make a habit of drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, whether they have a cold or not, but it should be a high priority when cold season sets in.
Once you have the symptoms, warm lemon water with honey, juice or clear broths can help alleviate congestion and loosen it up, preventing dehydration, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Water is also helpful for sore throats, especially if the water is mixed with salt. Put a half teaspoon of salt into an 8-ounce glass of water and gargle, then spit it out. This can temporarily stop throat pain related to drainage and colds.
Chicken Soup
It sounds like Grandma's old home remedy, but eating chicken soup is a valid remedy for cold relief.
According to the Mayo Clinic, chicken soup actually helps relieve cold symptoms in two ways. It slows movement of immune system cells that cause inflammation, making it a natural anti-inflammatory remedy. It also temporarily speeds up the movement of mucus, which gives viruses less of an opportunity to affect the lining of the nose.
Echinacea is a flowing herb commonly used for cold relief. It is sold in several forms, including tinctures, extracts and easy-to-use tablets. Taking 300 mg of echinacea tablets during your sickness or throughout cold and flu season will stimulate your immune system and can prevent colds. At the very least, it can make the cold go away faster.
Ask your doctor about any potential side effects before taking echinacea. This herb is available without a prescription.
Steam can work wonders on cold symptoms. The cold virus loves dry air. In addition, dry air can cause drying of mucous membranes, which will lead to stuffy noses and coughing. Use a humidifier or simply heat a pot of water. Then, using a towel to tent your head above it, inhale the steam from a distance.
It is a good idea to run a humidifier while you are sick to prevent dry conditions in your room.