Tricks to Get Rid of a Cold in One Day
Drink Water
Fluids are highly important when battling a cold. Stay hydrated by consuming at least six glasses of clear water per day. Incorporate unsweetened, natural fruit and vegetable juices and avoid diuretic fluids like coffee, black tea and soda. These drinks can have a dehydrating effect on your body. Liquid moisturizes the mucous membranes of your nose and throat which help to keep infection at bay. Water helps your body rid itself of waste and toxins while keeping your blood and cells functioning properly. Also, be sure to drink more water if you are blowing your nose frequently in order to replenish lost fluid.
Get Lots of Sleep
Give your body the opportunity to direct all its energy toward fighting your cold by resting, de-stressing and sleeping. Studies on cold sufferers performed at the Carnegie Mellon University found that "those who got less than seven hours of sleep a night were almost three times as likely to have clinical symptoms as those who got eight or more." Sleeping and resting allow your body to increase immune functions and devote all its resources to fighting the cold virus. Aim for at least eight hours of restful sleep per night in addition to short naps throughout the day.
Stay Nourished
When your body is fighting a cold it requires energy and nourishment to stay strong and defensive. Avoid nibbling on items that are deep-fried, salty, fatty or sugary since these foods can further tax an already ill body. Instead, choose nutritious foods that are light and easy to digest. Fruits, vegetables, grains and lean proteins are excellent for supplying a sick body with vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Aim for water-rich foods to increase your fluid intake. The old remedy of chicken noodle soup has actually been found effective at curing colds. According to the Mayo Clinic, chicken soup has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and "temporarily speeds up the movement of mucus, possibly helping relieve congestion and limiting the amount of time viruses are in contact with the nose lining."
Load Up on Supplements
Numerous herbal and holistic supplements are recommended for curing colds. Do your research and decide which herbs work best for you. According to Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic, cold sufferers should take daily doses of vitamin c and zinc lozenges. He recommends "500 milligrams of vitamin C four times each day with plenty of water" and "one zinc lozenge every six hours, beginning at the start of cold symptoms." While several studies have shown both zinc and vitamin c to be powerful cold fighters, it is not known exactly why they work.