How to Prevent the Common Head Cold
Things You'll Need
- Soap
- Paper towels
- Antibacterial hand sanitizing solution
- Fluids
- Antibacterial disinfectant
- Home humidifier
Quit smoking or avoid smokers. People exposed to cigarette smoke are more susceptible to the common cold, according to the Mayo Clinic. The nose contains fine hairs, known as cilia, that help filter out the common head cold virus. However, cigarette smoke paralyzes the cilia for 30 to 40 minutes after exposure.
Wash your hands often when shopping, dining out, or attending public events. Use soap to thoroughly kill the common cold virus. Use disposable paper towels instead of cloth towels to dry hands; cloth towels can harbor the cold virus, according to Medicine Net.
Squirt an antibacterial hand sanitizing solution onto your hands throughout the day. Most such solutions contain high concentrations of alcohol that kill the common cold virus.
Drink plenty of fluids. Keeping your body hydrated will boost your immunity and increase mucus secretion in your nasal passages to avoid the cold virus.
Wash all surfaces thoroughly if a stranger or someone in the family with a cold touches them. Use an antibacterial disinfectant to wipe down countertops, doorknobs, telephones, computer keyboards, sinks, switches, faucets, and toilets.
Breathe primarily through your nose, as your nose is better at trapping the common cold virus than is your mouth, according to Stanford University. Avoid touching your nose, mouth, or eyes with your hands.
Use a humidifier in your home to avoid dry air, which removes moisture from the nasal passages and makes you more susceptible to the common cold virus.