Nose Blowing Techniques
Nose Blowing
Proper nose blowing techniques can minimize the risk of mucus traveling back up into your sinuses. Start by blowing your nose gently with a soft tissue or handkerchief---avoid harsh blowing even if you still feel mucus matter inside your nasal cavity. Blowing too hard adds pressure that forces infectious mucus back into your ears and sinuses. Remember to sanitize your hands with an anti-bacterial cleanser each time you blow to prevent the spread of germs.
Six Wise states that an unexpected hearty sneeze can cause injury or discomfort to an unsupported back. If you feel a sneeze coming on, place one hand behind you back for support and lean back slightly. As you sneeze, lean forward and bend your knees slightly to prevent back discomfort. It may also help to stand against a wall or something stable to keep yourself from flying forward as you sneeze.
Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion or stuffiness is caused by mucus obstruction in the nasal cavity. Congestion can be caused by many factors including allergies, cold or flu or even by nasal infection. Trying to clear out stuffiness can be a nuisance. Since nasal congestion seems to follow sleep, once you wake up, wait at least 10 minutes after you have been sitting upright before blowing. Begin to blow your nose from one nostril at a time; place your index finger over to the opposite nostril, closing it up. Gently blow out from the open nostril. Alternate and blow out of one nostrils at a time until you feel relief.
Consult with a physician if stuffiness or runny nose persists for more than a week, as he will be able to prescribe the best possible treatment or medication for you. It helps to drink plenty of fluids, including at least eight glasses of water or natural fruit juices high in vitamin C, to help loosen up mucus in the nasal cavity. Using a neti pot or nose bidet can diffuse hard-to-break-up mucus through its salt saline and lukewarm water mixture. With the right nose care, it will be easier for you to blow without further irritating your nose.