How to Get Rid of Mucus in the Throat
Everyone has glands in their nose, sinuses and throat that produce mucus to clean and moisturize nasal passages. However, if you are sick with a viral or bacterial infection, have allergies or are exposed to irritants, your glands may produce excess mucus that accumulates in the throat, creating an irritating condition called postnasal drip.-
Home Remedies
- suggests trying some at-home steps to relieve postnasal drip. These steps include: sniffing and swallowing or gently blowing the nose, avoiding irritants such as cigarette smoke and drinking plenty of water.
OTC Solutions
- reports that an over-the-counter antihistamine may help relieve postnasal drip, particularly if your condition is allergy related. You can also purchase saline nasal sprays or rinses or a humidifier to help relieve symptoms. For babies and small children, parents can buy a soft rubber suction bulb to gently remove mucus.
See Your Doctor
Although postnasal drip is often the result of a viral infection which will resolve on its own with the passage of time, recommends seeing a doctor if: symptoms last more than 10 days; symptoms are accompanied by a high fever, green or bloody mucus, or sinus pain; or if you have asthma, emphysema or an immune disorder. A child's doctor should be called if the child is younger than two months and is running a fever, or if mucus makes nursing or breathing difficult.