How to Get Rid of Cold Sores in a Week

Cold sores are caused by a dormant cold virus in your system, and will reoccur whenever the virus is awakened. This can be caused by a cold or even stress. You can cure cold sores and get rid of the discomfort that they bring in just a week. However, prevention is always the best cure and you should keep your body healthy and stress free to avoid having cold sores.

Things You'll Need

  • Sunblock above SPF 18
  • Lip and eye balm UV-protection
  • Moisturizer
  • Gentle soap
  • Water
  • Disposable cloths
  • Cotton tipped swabs
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Benzyl alcohol
  • Witch hazel
  • Tea bags
  • T-tree oil
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Bacitracin and diperodon HCL ointment
  • Gel-type deodorant
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    • 1

      Consider using some home remedies as soon as you feel that familiar unpleasant tingling inside your mouth or on your face. Never scratch a cold sore because it contains millions of germs that will only spread and make matters worse.

    • 2

      Keep the area clean by using a gentle soap and disposable cloth with warm water. Dry with another disposable cloth. Apply petroleum jelly to the area and then wash your hands.

    • 3

      Keep benzyl alcohol available. When you think you are getting a cold sore, soak cotton tipped swabs in the alcohol and apply to the area twice a day. Do not reuse a swab but dispose of it after using.

    • 4

      Pour witch hazel into a disposable cup and soak a cotton swab in the witch hazel. Dab the witch-hazel on the area and dispose of the used swabs immediately.

    • 5

      Lay a wet black tea teabag on the cold sores for 5 minutes and repeat this every hour. Tea contains an acid known as tannic acid that will help relieve the sores.

    • 6

      Put some tea tree oil on the tip of a cotton swab and apply it on and around the cold sore area.

    • 7

      Wash the area with a disposable cloth and hydrogen peroxide. If the sore has already developed the peroxide will bubble but not burn. Dry the area with another disposable cloth.

    • 8

      Apply a little acitracin and diperodon HCL ointment with a cotton swab on the cold sore area and allow to dry. Dispose of the swab right after you use it.

    • 9

      Apply hydrogen peroxide to the area before bed and a thick layer of gel-type underarm deodorant using a cotton swab. Do not allow the deodorant to get into your mouth. Only use each swab once and throw away.

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