How to Depressurize Your Ears
Things You'll Need
- Medication
- Cloth
- Humidifier
- Gum
Remedy ear pressure with OTC drugs. Decongestants found in cold, allergy and sinus medications can quickly break up mucus in the body and promote drainage to relieve pressure in the ears. Use these medications as instructed.
Use steam to depressurize your ear. Steam from a hot shower or wet cloth can drain mucus or fluid in your ears. Take a shower, or position a wet, hot cloth over your ears.
Increase drainage with a humidifier. Mucus and fluids cannot drain from the ear if there's dry air in your home. Turn on a humidifier to increase the humidity in your space and depressurize your ear.
Chew gum. The motion of gum chewing can pop your ears and alleviate pressure.
Inhale, close your mouth and plug your nose, then breathe out or exhale. This trick helps open the Eustachian tube and depressurizes the ears.