How to Correct a Pink Spot on the Lip From a Fever Blister
Take four Acidophilus tablets three to four times daily with a glass of milk. Acidophilus are live microorganisms known as a probiotics and contain bacillus to help with digestion. Health 911 suggests taking the medication when noticing cold sore symptoms to prevent a formation of a pink spot or blister. This treatment will alleviate the inflammation and speed up healing. You should consult with your doctor about dosage to be on the safe side.
According to Cindee Gardner, aloe vera is known for having ant-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties that may improve symptoms associated with having a fever blister. Take an aloe vera leaf and slit the leaf to extract pulp. Place the pulp on the pink spots near the lip. Keep the pulp on the pink spot for an hour, then rinse the area with water. Apply the treatment daily three to four times every four hours. Using aloe vera will start the healing process immediately and may prevent any pink spots from forming.
Mayo Clinic suggests using ice to sooth the pain and inflammation of the pink spot. Apply the ice to the pink spot for an hour every 10 minutes. This method may prevent the fever blister from moving from nerve to skin. Using this method in the beginning stages of the formation of pink spots may prevent the spot from forming.
Apply petroleum jelly on a cotton-tipped swab to the pink spot at least two times a day. This treatment may prevent dryness and cracking.
Take a Mint leaf and squeeze the extract from the leaf. Apply the mint extract directly to the pink spot every day until cold sores show signs of improvement. According to Health 911, this treatment may heal a fever blister within five days.
Make a tea of sage leaves to alleviate symptoms from cold sores. Add two to three leaves to a pot of boiling water. Add a teaspoon of ginger powder to the mixture.
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