Soothing Remedies for Swallowing With a Dry Throat
Allergies, dehydration or breathing in cold air can trigger a dry throat. And if left unresolved, a dry throat can cause discomfort when swallowing and bring on a sore throat. Fast and effective remedies are available to soothe a dry throat, and getting rid of this problem often calls for identifying the underlying cause.-
Drink Water
Lack of fluids or consuming a large amount of caffeine can cause dehydration and prompt a dry throat. Reverse a dry throat by increasing your intake of water and juices, and lowering your intake of caffeinated drinks like soda and teas, which can bring on dehydration and cause further throat irritation.
Gum and Candy
Low saliva production in your mouth can also bring on a dry throat. Calm an irritated throat by keeping a supply of chewing gum, hard candy or throat lozenges with you. Chewing and sucking helps increase the production of saliva and soothes a the throat.
Allergies from sources such as dust, pollen and household chemicals can cause throat irritation and dryness. Taking an over-the-counter antihistamine after symptoms appear or before exposure to allergens can help reduce the allergic reaction and soothe a dry throat.
During the winter months, dry air from a heater can trigger a dry throat due to the lack of moisture in the air. Regularly running a humidifier in your home helps increase the humidity in your home and remedies a dry throat.
Protect Throat
Breathing in cold air may also trigger a dry throat, especially in the winter months when temperatures dip below freezing. Dressing properly for the weather and using a scarf to cover your mouth when outdoors in the winter prevents the inhaling of cold air.