Homemade Cough Syrup
Things You'll Need
- Honey
- Corn syrup
- Apple cider vinegar
- Cayenne pepper
- Ground ginger
- Tea
Cough Syrups
Try a couple of teaspoonfuls of honey to relieve coughing. People have used honey as a sore throat remedy for generations. A recent study in children with upper respiratory tract infections suggests that honey holds similar promise as a cough suppressant, as reported by the Mayo Clinic. This study found honey just as effective in suppressing a cough as a common over-the-counter cough remedy. Take 2 tsp. of honey as needed throughout the day to reduce coughing and soothe throat tissue.
Many homemade cough syrups contain honey as a basic ingredient. Create one such syrup as described in "Herbally Yours" by Penny C. Royal by mixing 1 Tbsp. each of water and honey with 2 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar. Add 1/4 tsp. each of cayenne pepper and ground ginger. Take 1 tsp. of the syrup as needed to relieve coughing.
Mix 1/2 tsp. lemon with 1/2 tsp. honey to create a simple and effective homemade cough syrup. Experiment by replacing the honey with corn syrup, as suggested in some versions of this recipe.
Additional Home Remedies
Drink warm beverages to soothe irritation. Choose lemonade, apple cider or tea to suppress a cough. Add 1 tsp. of honey to increase the effectiveness.
Gargle with warm salt water. Use this homemade cough remedy several times throughout the day to relieve sore throat and coughing, as suggested by the Mayo Clinic.
In addition to taking your homemade cough syrup, add moisture to the air with a humidifier or vaporizer. Maintain warm and humid conditions to loosen mucus and reduce congestion and coughing.