Gargling for Sinus Infections
Gargling with certain liquids can help kill the bacteria in the throat that causes many sinus infections. But gargling alone cannot kill a sinus infection.
A saltwater gargle is one of the most popular gargles for sinus infections and colds. Take a glass of water and add table salt to the glass. How much table salt you want to add is completely up to you. Gargle until the entire glass is empty. Apple cider vinegar and water is another gargling solution that works well for sinus infections. The taste is harsher than a saltwater gargle. Another gargle solution is horseradish, honey and water. Take a teaspoon of honey, horseradish and a 8 ounce glass of water and gargle the solution repeatedly until the glass is finished. This gargle solution is the worst tasting of all three, but it does have benefits.
Time Frame
The best time to do your gargling is at the onset of the infection. Gargling once will not kill your sinus infection. You should do it several times a day, over the course of your infection.
Your throat will feel better immediately after gargling, although the results may be temporary. An apple cider vinegar gargle actually helps sinus congestion, breaking down the mucus so that you can breathe clearer.
If you accidentally swallow some of the solution, all of the ingredients are okay for ingestion.