How to Unclog Ears and Get Rid of Mucus Congestion
Things You'll Need
- Steam
- Water
- Tea
Run your shower or boil a pot of water and inhale the steam to help loosen thick mucus and unclog ears.
Increase moisture in the air by turning on a cool mist humidifier. The extra moisture helps thin mucus and relieves ear, head and nose congestion.
Choose water instead of caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and sodas, to maintain hydration and thin mucus in your body.
Consuming hot liquids such as decaf tea and broth also breaks up mucus and helps reduce congestion in the ears and other parts of the body. Sip on hot tea throughout the day and eat soup or broth to relieve symptoms.
Sleeping on your back causes mucus to settle in the throat, nose and ears. Instead, sleep with your head on several pillows to keep it elevated, which will encourage mucus drainage.
Use an over-the-counter saline nasal spray to rinse your nostrils and remove allergens and other irritants that cause congestion.
If natural remedies prove ineffective, stop by your local drugstore and pick up an over-the-counter decongestant to relieve congestion, taking it as directed.