Appetite Symptoms: Flu vs. Cold
Sore Throat
The flu and a cold can both cause a sore throat, according to WebMD and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You may experience pain when swallowing due to inflammation of the tissues in the throat. This affects your appetite as it generally causes you to shy from eating and drinking due to the pain.
The CDC lists diarrhea as a possible symptom of the flu. Appetite is usually affected by diarrhea as it leaves you in a state of malnutrition and may diminish your desire to eat between trips to the toilet.
The CDC also lists vomiting as a possible symptom of the flu. Vomiting has obvious affects on appetite as it makes it extremely difficult for you to keep food down after eating. This symptom leads to malnutrition, and if lasting, leads to a damaged esophagus.
The flu and a cold cause tiredness and fatigue, according to the CDC and WebMD. Tiredness may cause a lack of appetite as you are likely to spend a greater amount of time in bed rather than cooking and eating.
Despite these appetite-related symptoms, it is extremely important to make every effort to eat and drink while sick with the flu or a cold. Malnutrition only leads to the further weakening of the immune system making it difficult to fight either illness.