Toddy Cold Remedy
Making a Toddy Cold Remedy
The kitchenware you will need to make this homemade cold remedy is a kettle, a mug, a shot glass, and a teaspoon. Then you will need to search your cabinets for lemon juice and whiskey. If this concoction is for a child or if you do not especially like the taste of liquor, you should also include honey in your list of supplies.
The first step is to heat water in the kettle. You will only need enough water to fill the shot glass twice so measure accordingly. While you are waiting for the water to warm up, put a teaspoon of lemon juice in the mug. Then put one shot of whiskey into the mug. Once the kettle has started whistling, carefully pour the hot water into the shot glass. Immediately dump the contents of the shot glass into the mug. You will need two full shots of hot water. Feel free to add a third shot of hot water if you prefer a more diluted toddy. Stir everything together with the teaspoon and then start drinking. If you are using honey, put the sweet stuff on the teaspoon after the hot water is in the mug. Use the teaspoon with honey on it to stir up the concoction.
One thing to keep in mind: mixing this toddy with any over-the-counter product containing acetaminophen is never good idea. In fact, according to the Health Promotion Program at Columbia University, mixing alcohol and acetaminophen may cause a serious medical condition called "alcohol-acetaminophen syndrome." This condition is seen most frequently in people who regularly drink alcohol, but since this syndrome can cause sudden liver failure, it is best to avoid mixing the two at any point in time.