The Best Cough Remedies
Garlic Cough Syrup
When it comes to fighting a bad cough, there is one treatment that not only works, it works really well. Garlic cough syrup might not sound very appetizing, but on the contrary, it is quite delightful. The healing enzymes and antioxidants in the garlic make for a quick and soothing treatment for even the worst cough. To prepare the garlic cough syrup properly, first mince about 1/2 pound of garlic. The smaller the pieces of garlic, the more of the enzymes get released and the more effective the remedy becomes. Next, place the minced garlic into a quart jar or container and cover completely with honey. Fill the rest of the jar with honey. As the honey and garlic enzymes begin to join, the whole quart of syrup will become a cough-fighting machine. Let the mixture marinate for at least 24 hours. Ideally, the mixture ought to marinate for about two weeks so the honey absorbs the most amount of garlic, but if you have a bad cough now, you do not have that kind of time. In the morning, when you wake up, take a teaspoon of the mixture to suppress your cough for the better part of the day. As you feel the urge to cough, take another teaspoon. Use this treatment until the cough is gone altogether.
Another cough remedy is tea: both actual tea and herbal tea. The best known teas for coughs are black tea and chamomile tea. To prepare the tea, boil water on your stovetop and pour the hot water into a heat-resistant mug along with your tea of choice. Allow the tea to steep for about one minute. Add a splash of lemon juice to help the tea release its healing enzymes into the hot water. Also, mix in a tablespoon of honey to help lubricate the throat. Drink slowly and watch as your cough slowly melts away.