Cures for Postnasal Drip & Cough
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has many healing qualities that can help you battle your cough and nasal drip. Its healing enzymes have been used to help overcome many other medical conditions like digestive problems. For a cough and cold, mix a few tablespoons of the vinegar with a glass of water. Place it in the refrigerator or at bedside, whichever will be more convenient. Take a sip whenever you feel the urge to cough and the feeling should go away.
Garlic is one of nature's miracle workers. It has long been used to treat many different medical conditions like the flu and common cold. It also is amazing at treating a cough. For this application, garlic can be made into a cough syrup that will coat the throat enough to stop the cough, which in turn will stop the nasal drip. To prepare, chop a few cloves of garlic up and place them into a mason jar. Completely cover the garlic with honey and let marinate for at least 24 hours. When you have the urge to cough, take a tablespoon of the mixture and your cough will stop.
Many times a cough and cold is brought on by too little moisture in the air passages. The cough stems from the dryness and many times the throat becomes inflamed, causing postnasal drip. To counteract this, you need to reintroduce moisture into the air passages. This can be done by taking a hot shower or bath and breathing in the steam. You also can boil some water on the stovetop and breath in the steam it gives off.