Reactions to Zicam Treatments
Loss of Smell
The FDA has issued an alert regarding Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Gel, Cold Remedy Swabs and Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs, which may cause a permanent loss of smell. In some users, the loss of smell was long lasting, but not permanent. The loss of smell may also produce a loss of taste as well, causing users to be susceptible to food poisoning when unable to determine if food has spoiled. The products have been discontinued by the company, but the FDA warns consumers that may still have the product in their home.
Allergic Reaction
Patients using Zicam Sinus Relief containing oxymetazoline nasal products may also suffer from an allergic reaction to sinus and allergy relief medications such as swelling in the lips, mouth or throat, difficulty breathing, and hives, according to the FDA. Patients who experience those side effects must seek emergency medical help. Allergic reactions to any medication are serious and should be treated immediately by a medical professional.
A possible side effect of Zicam Sinus Relief is hallucination and changes in behavior. Patients who experience this side effect should discontinue the use of the product and seek medical attention immediately.
Rapid Heartbeat
Some patients may experience a rapid or irregular heartbeat while using Zicam Sinus Relief, according to the manufacturer. The manufacturer warns patients to discontinue the use of the medication if they experience this side effect.
Nasal Irritation
Nasal irritation from the use of Zicam nasal products is a common occurrence. Patients may experience burning and stinging in the nose. The condition is not serious and is only temporary, according to the FDA.