Signs of a Head Cold
Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion, often called a stuffy nose, is caused when the tissue that lines the nose swells because of inflamed blood vessels. Over-the-counter decongestants may help relieve the discomfort of congestion by shrinking the swollen blood vessels. Home remedies also can offer relief. Drinking extra fluids, particularly hot tea or chicken soup, aids in temporarily easing congestion. Using a humidifier or vaporizer can make breathing easier. Congestion is more noticeable at night when you are lying down; keep your head propped up with extra pillows to relieve the symptom.
Runny Nose
Nasal discharge, or runny nose, is one of the most common symptoms of the common cold. Although it is annoying, it is actually one of your body’s methods of fighting illness, says the Indiana University School of Medicine. The extra mucus produced in the nose fights germs and moistens the nasal passages. Drinking a lot of fluids and increasing humidity in the air you breathe will help thin the mucus. It is normal for the consistency and color of mucus to change throughout the duration of a cold. A cold often begins with a clear nasal discharge then becomes yellow or green as the illness progresses. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia reminds that this is a normal symptom of the cold virus, and it does not require treatment with an antibiotic.
Sore Throat
Feeling pain or scratchiness in the throat is especially common at the onset of a cold. As the cold virus attacks tissues in the nose and sinuses, waste material drains down the throat, causing irritation and pain upon swallowing. Fortunately, a sore throat typically lasts only for a day or two at the start of a cold. The discomfort can be treated with warm liquids, over-the-counter pain medications or throat lozenges. Gargling with salt water is a well-known home remedy.
Other Symptoms
Other cold symptoms are a cough, sneezing and watery eyes. A cold can also cause headache, body aches and tiredness, particularly if it is accompanied by a mild (up to 102 degrees Fahrenheit) fever. It is possible for a common cold to cause a bacterial infection to develop in your ears or sinuses, so if symptoms do not improve, consult a doctor.