How to Protect Yourself From a Cold
Ensure that when you touch any public objects such as doorknobs, that you do not touch your face. Places such as your nose, eyes and mouth are places where viruses can enter into your body. If you need to touch your face for any reason, then do it after your hands have been clean and washed thoroughly.
Always sneeze and cough into your sleeve. Doing this will protect you from having to sneeze into your hands and then touching your face. If tisues are available, sneeze or cough into a tissue; these are effective because you can simply toss them into the garbage.
Wash your hands often. Wash them before and after every meal, and after using any kind of facilities such as a bathroom. Try to wash your hands with hot water, as it is very effective in eliminating germs, and always use soap. Also, wash your hands for approximately 30 seconds.
Carry a hand sanitizer around with you. Having this will allow you to be able to use it whenever you touch a public object or if you don't have the chance to wash your hands. If you don't have one of these, then touch public objects with your sleeve.
Attempt to consume more vitamin C in your daily life. According to WHFoods, things such as oranges are high in vitamin C. You can also take multivitamins or vitamin C supplements.
Attempt to avoid individuals who are sick, as you may catch a cold from them. If you have to be around sick people, then try to limit contact with them. Try to avoid crowds, as germs and bacteria are spread this way. If you come down with a cold, go home and rest. Do not go out to work or school because you are just spreading the cold to other people. Also, continuously wipe down spots in your home which are regular objects you touch, such as doorknobs, handles, computer keyboards etc.