What Are the Dangers of Cough Medicine?
TheBostonChannel.com reports that cough medicine can cause such potentially fatal side effects as unconsciousness and stopped breathing in children and toddlers.
Teen Abuse
The medicine's over-the-counter accessibility makes it popular for abuse among teens.They chug the syrup for a quick, cheap high from dextromethorphan, one of the medicine's active ingredients.
Cough syrup usually contains a warning label to not operate machinery or drive a vehicle while using it because drowsiness is a common side effect.
Cough syrup may contain ingredients that will cause a negative reaction to alcoholic drinks. Many syrups also contain alcohol, which can worsen side effects such as sleepiness or dizziness.
Depending on how much you ingest, an overdose of cough syrup can cause such complications as blurred vision, hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting, and can lead to comas and death.