Is Chicken Soup Effective for the Common Cold?
Warm Liquids
In a pilot study reported in "USA Today," doctors and researchers found that consuming warm liquids when you are sick has a positive psychological effect. Patients drinking hot liquids including chicken soup felt that their runny noses, coughing, sneezing, sore throats and fatigue improved.
Anti-inflammatory Effects
Chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties that help make it an effective cold remedy. It helps slow the movement of neutrophils. These cells are part of the body's response to a cold. Slowing down their movements can help lesson your symptoms.
Mucous Production
Chicken soup helps move mucous through the nose faster. This helps to reduce congestion.
Chicken is a natural source of cysteine. This amino acid can help thin out mucous in the lungs, making it easier to breathe.
Salted Water
If you add a little sea salt to the broth of your chicken soup, it can help relieve sore throat pain.