Ear Ringing & Sinus Infections

More than 35 million Americans suffer from sinus infections every year, according to Dr. Murray Grossan in his article on www.ent-consult.com. Sinus infections can affect many areas due to sinus pressure created from inflamed sinus cavities. A common problem is ringing in the ears.
  1. Facts

    • The sinus cavity is inflamed and swollen during a sinus infection, leading to pressure build-up throughout the head.


    • This pressure can press on the eardrum, producing a ringing in the ears. The sinus cavity is very close to the inner ear and it doesn't take much swelling for inflamed sinus cavity to press against the ear drum, according to Debra Wood, R.N., in her article on www.aurorahealthcare.org.


    • The most effective treatment for a sinus infection causing ringing in the ears is to take an over-the-counter decongestant and get a prescription for antibiotics from a doctor.


    • Prevent a sinus infection with ringing in the ears by seeing a doctor at the first sign of an infection such as nasal discharge, a fever or body chills. Also take a decongestant at the first sign of sinus pressure.


    • An untreated sinus infection with ringing in the ears can lead to partial or permanent deafness. The infection may also spread to the ears, creating an ear infection, according to www.hearingcentral.com.

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