Does Humidity Change Sinus Pain?
According to, sinus pain is the sensation of excess pain and pressure due to a swollen or inflamed sinus cavities. The pain is typically found in or around the eye and nose region of the face.
Sinus pain is caused by pressure buildup in the head due to the sinus cavities being swollen and congested with mucus. Excess or lack of humidity can cause the sinus cavities to react with congestion and irritation.
Over-the-counter decongestants can be used to treat sinus pain. These medications can reducing the swelling in the sinuses and thereby alleviate pain.
Running a humidifier or dehumidifier in your home, depending on your environment, can also help.
The most common symptom of sinus problems caused by humidity is the sudden increase of sinus pressure and pain that does not respond to pain relievers. Many times the sinus pain can make an individual feel tired and sleepy.
If the sinuses remain clogged and inflamed, a sinus infection can develop. If a sinus infection goes untreated, it can lead to the spread of the infection throughout the body.